Ask The Dermatologist: Dr. Geetika Mittal Answers Every FAQ About Lip Care


Dry, chapped lips in constant need of nourishment—sound familiar? Most of us struggle with this skin concern, which is common but yet can cause a lot of discomfort. That’s why we sat down with Dr. Geetika Mittal to understand every part of lip care, from A to Z.


Dr. Geetika Mittal is a celebrity aesthetic doctor, renowned for her holistic approach to skincare and expertise in non-surgical anti-ageing treatments.

1. Why do we need special care for our lips?

Our lips need extra TLC because they are super sensitive. Unlike the rest of our skin, they're thinner and don't have those handy oil glands to keep them moisturized. Plus, they don't have much natural protection from the sun, so they're prone to getting chapped or burnt.

2. What are some of the major lip concerns many people face?

Having said that they’re super sensitive, so our lips can be pretty high-maintenance sometimes! One big concern is dryness and chapping, especially when the weather gets cold or dry or even when they are exposed to extreme heat. Then there's sunburn. Another common issue is cracking or peeling, which can be painful and annoying.

3. What are the reasons for dry and chapped lips? What can we do to treat this issue?

The weather plays a big role – cold or dry conditions can zap moisture from our lips faster than you can say "lip balm." And let's not forget about licking our lips – it might feel good at the moment, but it actually makes things worse by drying them out even more. Then there's not drinking enough water – we have to stay hydrated, folks!



We've got some tricks up our sleeve to tackle this issue.

First off, drink plenty of water to keep our whole body, including our lips, hydrated. Next, grab a good lip balm with moisturizing ingredients like shea butter or coconut oil to keep those lips feeling soft and smooth. And don't forget the SPF lip balm when heading out into the sun to protect from sunburn.

Now, let's talk lip slugging – slathering on a thick layer of moisturizer or overnight mask before bed for some serious hydration while we sleep. And don’t forget about Vaseline. It's the OG lip savior, creating a protective barrier to lock in moisture and soothe dry, chapped lips. Whether we're battling winter winds or just need some overnight TLC, lip slugging and Vaseline have our backs when it comes to keeping our lips soft and happy. Just apply your lip balm and top it with Vaseline for maximum hydration.

4. Can our lips get sunburned?

Absolutely! Our lips can definitely get sunburned, just like the rest of our skin. In fact, because the skin on our lips is thinner and contains less melanin (the pigment that helps protect against UV rays), they're even more vulnerable to sunburn than other parts of our body. Sunburned lips can be painful and uncomfortable, causing redness, swelling, and even blistering in severe cases. That's why it's super important to protect our lips from the sun by using lip balms or products with SPF, wearing hats or seeking shade when outdoors for extended periods, and staying hydrated to help prevent sunburn and keep our lips healthy.

5. Is it possible to reduce the effects of aging on the skin?

Lip Care Routine:

Establishing a consistent lip care routine can help maintain lip health and reduce aging effects. This routine may include moisturizing lip balms or oils to keep the lips hydrated, exfoliating to remove dead skin cells, and using SPF lip products to protect against sun damage.

  • Hyaluronic Acid Fillers: Hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers can be injected into the lips to restore lost volume, enhance lip shape, and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Lip Rejuvenation Treatments: Various cosmetic procedures, such as laser resurfacing, microneedling, and chemical peels, can help rejuvenate the lips by stimulating collagen production, improving skin texture, and reducing pigmentation irregularities.
  • Lip Masks and Serums: Using lip masks and serums containing hydrating and nourishing ingredients like hyaluronic acid, peptides, vitamins, and antioxidants can help improve lip hydration, firmness, and elasticity, thereby reducing the visible signs of aging.
  • Avoiding Smoking and Sun Exposure: Smoking and excessive sun exposure can accelerate lip aging by causing collagen breakdown, fine lines, and discoloration. Quitting smoking and using lip balms with SPF protection can help prevent further damage and preserve lip youthfulness.

6. What are the unique uses and benefits of different lip products such as lip balm, lip oil, lip masks, etc?

Lip Balm:

  • Uses: Lip balms are designed to moisturize and protect the lips from dryness and chapping. They typically contain ingredients like beeswax, shea butter, or petroleum jelly to provide a barrier that locks in moisture.
  • Benefits: Lip balms help hydrate the lips, preventing them from becoming dry and cracked. They also provide a protective layer against harsh environmental factors like wind, cold, and sun exposure.

Lip Oil:

  • Uses: Lip oils are lightweight and hydrating formulations that provide moisture to the lips without feeling heavy or greasy. They often contain nourishing oils like jojoba, coconut, or argan oil.
  • Benefits: Lip oils offer intense hydration, leaving the lips feeling soft and smooth. They can also provide a glossy finish, making the lips appear plumper and more luscious. Additionally, some lip oils contain antioxidants to help protect against free radical damage.

Lip Masks:

  • Uses: Lip masks are intensive treatment products designed to hydrate and repair dry, chapped lips. They come in various formulations, including sheet masks, creams, or overnight treatments.
  • Benefits: Lip masks deliver concentrated ingredients to the lips, such as hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and vitamins, to deeply hydrate and nourish. They can help soften rough patches, soothe irritation, and improve the overall texture and appearance of the lips.

Lip Scrubs:

  • Uses: Lip scrubs are exfoliating treatments that help remove dead skin cells and flakiness from the lips, leaving them smoother and softer. They often contain gentle exfoliants like sugar or fruit enzymes.
  • Benefits: Lip scrubs help improve the efficacy of lip products by creating a smooth canvas for application. They also enhance circulation to the lips, promoting cell turnover and revealing a more youthful-looking pout.

Tinted Lip Balms:

  • Uses: Tinted lip balms combine the hydrating benefits of lip balm with a hint of color. They offer a more natural and subtle alternative to lipstick.
  • Benefits: Tinted lip balms provide sheer color and shine while keeping the lips moisturized and protected. They are perfect for everyday wear, adding a pop of color to enhance the lips' natural beauty.

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